Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Information Age - Working Styles

ICT has had a tremendous impact on the way in which everyday tasks are carried out such as:

•Getting information

Now, because everything is done electronically there is no need to use ink and paper so it is good for the environment and also it is cheap. However according to the BBC, performing a search on google requires the same amount of energy as boiling an egg which is a lot of energy.

•ICT has had an impact on the way in which data is processed, information is transmitted and knowledge applied such as Loyalty cards and Doctors records etc.

•ICT has also had a big impact on the physical environment of the workplace and the jobs that people do. Example include:
•Office layout (with workstations etc)
•What workers do
•Where they are based (don’t need to be on site)
•Interaction with others (email, video links)
•Training (initial and subsequent)

It in the workplace can also mean that jobs are lost. People are no longer needed because machines can do their work in about half the time than the people. However it can create jobs because for example, Amazon may locate its warehouse in a rural location which gives work to the local residents.

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