Friday 18 September 2009

Downloadable Services

Some websites allow users to purchase and download music etc to their home computers. These files can then be transfered on to a portable music device. Itunes is an example of a music service. Music is purchased and then dowloaded into a library of songs. It can then be transfered to an MP3 Player. Itunes can also be used to purchase movies from the internet. The URL for Itunes is

People can also buy books online in the form of EBooks (electronic books). People can read books how they would in real life but on their home computer. The URL for the website is

People can also download software from the internet and then have it installed on their system. This saves walking to a retailer such as "PCworld". The URL for downloading software such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint is

Finally people have the ability to download games off the internet via a purchase. This, again, saves the effort of walking to a local shop with the risk that they might be sold out. An example is people being able to download World of Warcraft at

Of course, people can do all of the above illegally on websites such as but there is a risk of viruses and hackers. Purchasing a service online is becoming increasingly popular and is a good idea because it saves time. The only disadvantage is security issues and being hacked, but passwords can prevent this from happening.

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